Thursday, 1 April 2010


Today's the day that I start my 30+ days of 100% raw.

Over the last few days I have been fixing things FIRMLY in my mind that 1st April is THE day. Unfortunately I didn't get my savoury dehydrating done....DOESN'T MATTER! Because I can do that today or anytime, I have some sweet snacks prepared and I have been going through my raw un-cook books and I have lots of idea's so I am NOT caught out hungry.
After a while it will become natural to me and when I am hungry I wont crave the wrong foods and fall off the wagon, although I am NOT going to fall off the wagon this time, that is my intention!! I am a lot more mentally prepared this time around which has GOT to be a good thing!! Things feel different to me, not forced, more natural!!!!

I have had my Fruit and ground Brazil Nuts for breakfast, this always fills me up.
Last night I filled up my Fresh Life Automatic Sprouter and that is sprouting away there.

Oh! I weighed in this morning which Thursday's will now be my official weigh days but remember, I am not only following a raw lifestyle for weight loss but for ALLL the health benefits also. I need to feel the health benefits.

I found a health questionnaire a couple of weeks ago, I will fill that in today and also throughout the months to keep a check on how my health is improving, this should be a good thing to do and it will confirm to folk how beneficial a raw eating plan is. I will try to find the link for those who also want to fill the questionnaire in.

I'll be back later today....GOT TO KEEP UP BLOGGING THROUGHOUT THE DAY AND DAILY SO I AM MORE ACCOUNTABLE!! Come back later today!!!

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