Saturday, 24 April 2010

Out & About

Got up at the usual time, 6.00am. Showered, hair and makeup and out the door to town. I went to the post office first where there was a rather loud and very unpleasant man who pushed in front of me. The guy WAS there before me but he left twice and so he should have joined the end of the queue again but when the post office door opened he pushed in front of me, I said to my boys, "look at this" he heard me and turned around and said, "well, as it happens I was here before you" he said this quite nastly. I didn't respond back because there was rather a lot of people and I wanted to keep my dignity. He then started to let his mouth go about the queue, shouting, "you would need to get a day off work to buy a stamp" like he works, he was a middle aged, grey haired, druggy looking man and when he was waiting for the post office to open he was standing up to ride his push bike and wheelying and going round in circles on his bike like a teenager before he went away twice. Most of the people waiting in the post office looked like druggies and certainly weren't working, their mobile phones were ringing and they were swearing down their phones and then bragging on about knocking their mothers out and other folk.....ROGUES! Eventually the nasty man shouted, "F*&@ THIS!!!!" and he walked out. I got served and I sent a parcel off to a lovely guy on Raw Food Rehab. I then went to the NEW Holland & Barrett shop and I bought some raw Nut Butters, Honey and Kelp. We got some free gifts of Pretzels and Chinese Crackers.

We then went to another shop where I bought a new shower head and a FAB! New sieve. Home to wait for a guy we had visiting and then off back out for my OH's medical, he passed. He has to have this done every 5 years, he is 50 in about 3 weeks hence the medical.

Up and out early to post a letter and into town where I bought a Geriyoga Video and another health and fitness DVD. We then went onto the sweet stall...Oops! I bought the boys and my dad some sweets. We then went to Holland & Barrett again, well we had to! YEAH!! LOVE IT!! I bought my dad some Cinder Toffee from the Julian Graves section, my dad has such a sweet tooth!

We went to my dads later today and we were there for hours, LOVE SEEING MY DAD AND BERYL!!

Well that is about it for now so I shall be back tomorrow.

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