Monday, 31 January 2011

Being A Bit Slow

I could have sworn it was the 30th today and I'm sure that even the date on my computer displayed the 30th......durrr - I doubt it somehow, I will put it down to brain strain...teehee - Oh! I know what it hubby had the use of our brain cell turn tomorrow...teehee.
Well then, as it is 31st January today that obviously means it is 1st February tomorrow....WoooHooo - I am so pleased that we will be out of January, January is the longest, most dreary, depressing and draining month of the year, time for sun to start and shine again....."HELLO February!"

I made some raw choccies the other day with an Almond Butter filling, I know I should have taken a pic, but I couldn't resist and I scoffed them....OOps! I think the choccies might have contributed to a migraine that I have had, will I learn??? Probably not!!

Okay then, tonight I am going to juice some veg etc for my Breakfast tomorrow, that is what I am going to start to have for Breakfasts as often as I can....what a good girl eh??

Okay then off I go and start a juicing.

Night Night for now

Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Yep, continued from yesterday. Sorry I didn't get back yesterday but remember I told you I received some devastating news just after Christmas? Well, it was to do with my lovely dad and yesterday my dad had to have a 5 hour operation which pretty much took over my thoughts.
I have been to see my dad in hospital today and WOW! He is looking rather good and has a good colour instead of that yellow colour he had for quite a long time. The doctor came to see him today and it is looking very VERY GOOD!!! for him - THANK GOD!!
It has been an awful time since I heard the devastating news but things are looking good now!!! Still a little way to go until he is all well and back to his usual, sprightly self but with the attitude my dad has that wont take long.

Right then. I did take some meal pics yesterday and here they are.

Breakfast. This is Apple and Cinnamon cereal which is very similar to a Special K type cereal. Sliced Strawberries and raw homemade Almond and Coconut Yogurt.

Anjii B makes the Apple & Cinnamon cereal here. You can also visit Anjii B's (313HealthyMe) blog here
And You Tube

"Anjii! If you want me to take your video off my blog then just give me a shout!!"

And here is Dan making the Almond and Coconut Yogurt.
Here is a link to the liferegenerator's vlog

"If you want me to remove this video Dan then just give me a shout"

Here is a pic of my lunch

A green salad, Mock Tuna (recipe from RFR) Raw sauerkraut, bought from 'Raw Living' and homemade 'Charlies Mayonnaise' (link for 'Charlie's Mayo' on yesterday's post)

My youngest son, James (11 years old) LOVES sauerkraut...AMAAAAAAZING!!!!! ANNND broccoli with mayonnaise on top, I am TOTALLY SHOCKED!! He is the pickiest eater EVER!!!!!

I have been watching a few, 'Hot Raw Chef' vids this morning, they are making recipe's for Valentine's, now I have a few choccy recipes that I can make for choccie fillings i.e. Mint truffle, caramel etc.

I think that is all, so Night Night for now

Monday, 24 January 2011


WOW! Is all I can say about the mayonnaise that I made last night. I made the 'Charlies Mayonnaise' from Kevin Gianni's You Tube (I have posted the YT video a few posts/pages down or click on this link- This mayonnaise is AMAZING!! I will post a pic later.

I also made a raw tuna recipe which is GREAT! I am going to have the tuna and mayo for lunch today....can't wait. I got the tuna recipe from Raw Food Rehab. I should have made some onion bread to go with the tuna and mayo.....MMmm

Back later today

Saturday, 22 January 2011

Weigh In

Well, weigh in today and I have LOST 2.7lb....WooHoo.

On Thursday night I made some Kombucha tea in my GORGEOUS big Kombucha pot. I didn't have any luck the last time I made tea using this pot so I am hoping it turns out good this time.
Here is another pic of it. It was handmade and came with a certificate. I LOVE it!!

I also made some more Raw Apple Cider Vinegar which is fermenting.

I am going to make a few things tonight so I have a few more things to hand, things like: Raw Mayo's, raw granola, eggless salad, raw Lara bars, Crackers etc etc. I NEED to be prepared and to be able to put my hand on something raw for my meals.

Well, I THINK? That is all for today.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

A Raw Milk Video

I received one of my other parcels today, my Jack La Lanne Power Juicer ELITE and it is FANTASTIC!! I can make Nut milks, Rice milks, Soya milks and of course juice fruits and vegetables. I already have a Soyabella machine which I absolutely LOVE!! My Soyabella makes all kinds of milks but when I just want a quick milk then my Jack La Lanne is going to be SOO handy.

I managed to make a short video today making Almond Nut milk. I had just taken my new juicer out of the box, quickly washed the parts and made the milk so excuse any mistakes.

Here is a pic of the Jack La Lanne.

My day has been very good, raw wise. I am going to make some raw yogurt tonight.

If I don't get back later then I will be back tomorrow.

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Start Weight & Pics

First things first, my weigh in. Okay, I weighed in at 201.8lb's. My first goal is 10% so I need to get to 181lb's.

Now to the pics, there are quite a few, are you ready?

Here is a pic of my Raw Living order. I ordered a jar of Sauerkraut, I am going to start and make my own. The Rawtella is SOOOO YUMMY! I will be buying more of those. The kelp is to add to Alissa Cohen's Mock Tuna.....YUM!
The lovely folk at Raw Living sent me a free bar of their chocolate...."THANKYOU to you all at Raw Living!"
My order came to quite a large amount of money, I wont say how much....OOps!

A box of Choccies....just for me! Gotta love that! This is a pic of the box of Raw Choccies that I ordered in the Raw Living order.
(Click on the pic to enlargen to see the inside of the choc I cut open)

I bought these Microplane's in December from Costco but I thought I would show them. These are FABULOUS!!

A spend at the FANTASTIC Lakeland. I bought some more choccie molds, Almond and Orange oil, food rings and live probiotics for when I make my raw yogurts. I have to store the probiotics in the fridge so this should be great for my raw yogurts.

I know, when following a raw lifestyle we should try to wean ourselves off coffee but that is going to be one of the last things I give up. I have wanted one of these 'Cuisinart Grind and Brew' machines for quite some time so when I was in Lakeland I seen this last one at only £102.50 when it used to be about £150.00 well, quite a saving, so my hubby bought it for me. Belated Birthday present.

This one arrived this morning. Bare Escentuals Mineral 20 Eye Colours. Another Belated Birthday present from hubby.

When I popped to Asda a weeks or so ago I spotted this Pilates Deluxe Kit. I do have the Pilates machine but this should be good to just do a quick Pilates routine AND because my Pilates machine is at the back of beyond in my spare bedroom....OOoops! There was also a DVD in with this kit.
(enlargen the pic to read what I got in the kit)

This is one of my FAB Christmas presents...ZUUUUUMMMBA!....WoooHooo which I did get at Christmas. I am going to do the Zumba challenges that are in the book.

Well, that has made up for not posting many pics over the last few months.
I am still waiting for a couple of things to arrive so a couple more pics of my purchases to follow, and foodie recipes.

Night Night, until tomorrow.

Monday, 17 January 2011

About Time Too

I will be finally be able to blog regularly as of NOW! I have NOT been able to get on this computer regulary for what feels like AGGGGESSS!

I took a start weight BUT!! I have to confess to doing my start weight as from this morning which I will blog tomorrow but for now I just want to let you know the jist of things.

I have had a good ole spend these last few days, belated Birthday presents/spending from my hubby which I will be posting all the details and picutres of them tomorrow. We went out to Newcastle, Costco, Tesco and the Nutricentre, but for now....something for you all to see, a few snowy pics from last month.

Here is a pic of my 24 year old eldest son, Michael (on the left, black pants, jacket and white top, he doesn't have black eyes, his eyes are deep set) and his friend. They made this snowman which appeared on the local news when they were showing snowy, wintery pics in December 2010.

A snowy pic that I took from my bedroom window. December 2010.

Above, two more snowy pics form my bedroom window. December 2010.

I am blogging tomorrow with my start details and exercise challenges that I want/NEED to do. I am going to post yet MORE pics of my purchases from Raw Living, Funky Raw, Lakeland, QVC, Costco and other places where I bought some goodies which may also give some of you some idea's of things that you might want to buy.

Night Night for now.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

Yep today (8th January) is my 45th Birthday ANNNND I have to confess to not going raw properly yet. I wanted to go 100% raw on 1st January but I just could not get myself motivated because I knew my birthday was coming but now I feel that I can because now all the celebrations are done.....well they will be after today. Tomorrow is my new life of RAAAWWWW! I have been as much raw as possible since the 1st January but just not as dedicated as I could have been BUT because I have been as much raw as possible I have lost a couple of pound on the scales, I will be back tomorrow with all those details.

I have received some lovely presents today....such fun! Presents for Christmas and then presents 2 weeks later for my Birthday, although I hadn't received 3 presents through the post that were meant to be for my Christmas but on Thursday one of them arrived and this morning the second arrived, still waiting for one more. It was nice to receive another one of them this morning on my Birthday which was a single hair epilator. I wanted this SINGLE hair epilator for my chinny hair....arrrggghhh! It is fine to epilate those chinny hair but DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT shave them, I know this because I am qualified in Beauty Therapy. Shaving causes blunt ends and they come through coarse but tweezing, waxing or epilating them pulls them out from the root and eventually they will not come back or they come through a lot finer.

My eldest son Michael and his grilfriend had a bunch of flowers delivered to me, this was a lovely suprise! The florist van pulling up outside my home. The card read, " To Grandma, Happy Birthday. Lots of Love from Ebony, Ellie and Michael xx" that was so sweet and a FANTASTIC suprise!!
About an hour later Michael, Kaylie and the grandchildren arrived with yet MORE presents. A GORGEOUS bottle of perfume, a pair of soft footwear that I had wanted, a pen that has 'Grandma' on it and a tin of Quality Street sweets. My youngest sister wanted to take me out for a meal but I had already taken a joint out of the freezer to defrost which I did indulge more now though....WoooHooo. My dad sent me a LOVELY Birthday card and he rang me to sing 'Happy Birthday' to me, he does this every year....teehee. My hubby got me a book which arrived 3 days ago, it is the Everday Raw Desserts by Mathew Kenney. There are some whopping dessert recipe's in this book.

My hubby has ordered a few more things for me, one of which is the Jack LaLanne juicer that also makes nut milks which I thought would be good for those quick nut milks when caught out with no milk made. So, I have done rather well today! I have had a REALLY LOVELY Birthday!!

*Note to myself*....find the cable for the camera so I can post pics.

I WILL be back tomorrow.

Sunday, 2 January 2011



We went for some coconuts yesterday but I didn't buy any because they weren't the best, I will maybe go back next week when they will have had a new delivery.

Yesterday and today have not been good raw wise because of knowing I had the choccies in the freezer which I have now binned....GOOD MOVE EH?
There are now no naughties in my house so things should be a lot easier for me. I am the type of person who CAN NOT have those types of foods in my house.

I might make some raw granola and dehydrate that ready for breakfast in the morning.

My OH popped to Asda for me this morning to buy some Romaine Lettuces, Kale, Carrots and Cherry Plum Tomatoes.
All I have been doing these last couple of days is housework and that is about all I will be doing tomorrow also.
I am starting my exercise routine on Tuesday when the house is quiet, hubby at work and Adam at college.

Back tomorrow.