Monday, 17 January 2011

About Time Too

I will be finally be able to blog regularly as of NOW! I have NOT been able to get on this computer regulary for what feels like AGGGGESSS!

I took a start weight BUT!! I have to confess to doing my start weight as from this morning which I will blog tomorrow but for now I just want to let you know the jist of things.

I have had a good ole spend these last few days, belated Birthday presents/spending from my hubby which I will be posting all the details and picutres of them tomorrow. We went out to Newcastle, Costco, Tesco and the Nutricentre, but for now....something for you all to see, a few snowy pics from last month.

Here is a pic of my 24 year old eldest son, Michael (on the left, black pants, jacket and white top, he doesn't have black eyes, his eyes are deep set) and his friend. They made this snowman which appeared on the local news when they were showing snowy, wintery pics in December 2010.

A snowy pic that I took from my bedroom window. December 2010.

Above, two more snowy pics form my bedroom window. December 2010.

I am blogging tomorrow with my start details and exercise challenges that I want/NEED to do. I am going to post yet MORE pics of my purchases from Raw Living, Funky Raw, Lakeland, QVC, Costco and other places where I bought some goodies which may also give some of you some idea's of things that you might want to buy.

Night Night for now.

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