Tuesday, 25 January 2011


Yep, continued from yesterday. Sorry I didn't get back yesterday but remember I told you I received some devastating news just after Christmas? Well, it was to do with my lovely dad and yesterday my dad had to have a 5 hour operation which pretty much took over my thoughts.
I have been to see my dad in hospital today and WOW! He is looking rather good and has a good colour instead of that yellow colour he had for quite a long time. The doctor came to see him today and it is looking very VERY GOOD!!! for him - THANK GOD!!
It has been an awful time since I heard the devastating news but things are looking good now!!! Still a little way to go until he is all well and back to his usual, sprightly self but with the attitude my dad has that wont take long.

Right then. I did take some meal pics yesterday and here they are.

Breakfast. This is Apple and Cinnamon cereal which is very similar to a Special K type cereal. Sliced Strawberries and raw homemade Almond and Coconut Yogurt.

Anjii B makes the Apple & Cinnamon cereal here. You can also visit Anjii B's (313HealthyMe) blog here http://rawrealmblog001.blogspot.com/
And You Tube http://www.youtube.com/user/313HealthyMe

"Anjii! If you want me to take your video off my blog then just give me a shout!!"

And here is Dan making the Almond and Coconut Yogurt.
Here is a link to the liferegenerator's vlog

"If you want me to remove this video Dan then just give me a shout"

Here is a pic of my lunch

A green salad, Mock Tuna (recipe from RFR) Raw sauerkraut, bought from 'Raw Living' and homemade 'Charlies Mayonnaise' (link for 'Charlie's Mayo' on yesterday's post)

My youngest son, James (11 years old) LOVES sauerkraut...AMAAAAAAZING!!!!! ANNND broccoli with mayonnaise on top, I am TOTALLY SHOCKED!! He is the pickiest eater EVER!!!!!

I have been watching a few, 'Hot Raw Chef' vids this morning, they are making recipe's for Valentine's, now I have a few choccy recipes that I can make for choccie fillings i.e. Mint truffle, caramel etc.

I think that is all, so Night Night for now

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis! Please KEEP my video on your blog, I love it here. I think your salad looks RAWsome and yummy. I want to know about that creamy dressing you have there. Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. (((HUGZZ)))
