Friday, 9 July 2010

Took A Walk

We walked into town this morning, I could have used the car but I am so glad that I walked because I feel so much better! The exercise must have helped perk me up! Although, despite feeling better I did fall asleep this afternoon but I feel the reason for that was because I didn't sleep very well the night before.

Whilst in town I went to Holland & Barrett and bought some of their Banana Yogurt Chips, high calories and fat BUT OH SO.....YUM! And SOOOO much better than that sweet stall on the market!!

I allow myself one full day per week off from raw, I used to have a full weekend so I am doing well with only the one day and then not eating/bingeing on chocolate during that day....ALL DAY! Yes I am still having naughties what with the Banana Yogurt Chips and Chippy Chips but maybe just one or two bags of Banana Yogurt Chips and that is all for the day because believe me, it used to be a whole lot worse.

Also whilst in town I bought a plate rack but this is for my sprouting jars for draining, it is ideal, not too big but easily big enough for 4 sprouting jars and the air can still circulate perfectly AND it folds flat. I do have my Fresh Life Automatic electric sprouter but sometimes I just want to use the jars.
Here I have been sprouting one of my favourite sprouts...Alfalfa....LOVE THEM!

I need to buy a small tray to stand this on, or I could just leave it on the drainer, of course it is standing on my hob on this pic for a quick pic.

I stocked up on Walnuts to make Ani Phyo's Chocolate Ganache cake and Pecans to make Caramel Nut Popcorn. I found the Caramel Nut Popcorn recipe yesterday and I am definitely going to give this a try, it might end up in my favourites file. If you want to watch this video, #26 and more raw recipes then click here: Hot Raw Chefs. You can vote for your favourite and you will receive an eBook of the recipes.

Well, that is all for now.

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