Monday, 1 June 2009

It's Too Hot

It has been RED HOT again today.....too hot.

I got up at my usual time of 6.00am. I jumped under the shower. After my shower, hair and makeup I then made packed Lunches, cleaned up, cleaned the Kitchen floor and vacuumed my Living room and hallway and then we were out the door at 8.10am, yep I done the school walk this morning....GREAT!! I felt it when I got back home, I just need to get back into it again, having said that I don't think I will be doing the school walk tomorrow morning because I am waiting for my Bryan Au book to be delivered, I am hoping it will arrive tomorrow so I can get back to the school walks, I want to do as many as I can this week and get back to it 5 days a week.

I brought James back home because he was complaining of feeling unwell and he was looking rather pale so when we were just a couple of yards away from his school we turned back and I huddled him up on the settee watching his favourite TV programmes.

When I got back from the school walk I had my usual for Breakfast, Fruit and ground Brazils, Lunch was nothing but I confess to sneaking 2 Rocky Biscuits mid afternoon, not raw, that will teach me not to be prepared for every meal and snack, I have got to get myself better prepared for when I get over hungry, we can eat as much as we like on raw.

After my Breakfast and a browse on the internet I decided to strip the boys beds and I got that lot into the washing machine and then I cleaned the Bathroom and vacuumed the Bedrooms, Landing and Stairs. I tell you, I must have sweated buckets of toxins out of my body, the last time I sweated like that was when my OH and myself cleared our Garden.

I have just had my evening meal of:
Variety of Lettuce
Yellow Pepper
Cherry Tomatoe's
Cashew Nuts
Olive Oil
Apple Cider Vinegar
Pink Himalyan Salt

You know, I think to myself....ummm Salad, I will still be hungry after that but raw is so AMAZING!! Because when I make a big Salad with a tad of fats, good fats i.e. Avocado and Olive Oil and protien i.e. Cashews then I am not hungry after it. I have heard that it is because our bodies are being fed the RIGHT Nutrients, Vitamins and Minerals and so our bodies are being properly fed and not fed with empty calories i.e. Sugars, Starch etc that just turn to fat and that don't seem to register with the brain for very long and then we are feeling hungry again. I now wont feel hungry until Breakfast....I LOVE RAW!

Well, I'm going to have a shower and relax for the evening, maybe watch a tad of TV in bed and recharge my batteries ready for yet another day of extra cleaning tomorrow. It feels SOOO good when the house is clean!! Helps me relax better!!

Sleep well!!


  1. I "asked around" at CURVES this morning, about your RAW diet. Someone had heard of it from a family member who'd had some weightloss success.

    Can I ask you where you get all/most of your information from? i.e. Book Title or www site. I'm just curious :D

    Best Wishes.


  2. Hi Audrey, I have picked up things here and there to do with raw by watching You Tubes, reading the webs and blogs and I also joined Raw Fu.
    You can join Raw Fu by clicking on the link on my blog.

    There is some fantastic nformation out there.
    I hope that helps, don't forget I have loads of raw links on my blog.

    Love and hugs to you x
